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PSI BIPA Settlement

Jerome Treadwell v. Power Solutions International, Inc.
Case No. 1:18-cv-08212
United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Eastern Division

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You may be entitled to a cash payment from a Class Action Settlement if you worked at and/or for Power Solutions International, Inc. in Illinois and were required to provide a finger scan for authentication and timekeeping purposes at any time since October 30, 2013.

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”), 740 ILCS 14/1, et seq., prohibits private companies from collecting, capturing, purchasing, receiving through trade, otherwise obtaining, storing, selling, leasing, trading, otherwise profiting from, transferring, disclosing, redisclosing, disseminating, and/or using biometric identifiers and/or biometric information, such as fingerprints of an individual, without first providing such individual with certain written disclosures and obtaining their written consent. This lawsuit alleges PSI violated BIPA by requiring workers to have their fingerprints scanned for authentication and timekeeping purposes without first providing written disclosures or obtaining written consent. PSI denies these allegations, denies violations of any law, and denies all liability for the claims raised in the lawsuit.

To resolve this matter without the further expense, delay, and uncertainties of litigation, the Parties have reached a settlement that resolves all claims against PSI. The Settlement requires Defendant to pay money to the Settlement Class, as well as pay settlement administration expenses, attorneys’ fees and costs to Class Counsel, and an incentive award to the Class Representative, if approved by the Court. The Settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing by Defendant and does not imply that there has been, or would be, any finding that Defendant violated the law. Defendant denies that it violated BIPA and denies all liability, wrongdoing, or legal violations of any kind related to the claims and contentions asserted in this lawsuit.